In today’s regulatory environment, nearly all development projects require some sort of environmental permitting. SME has nearly twenty years of experience assisting clients with obtaining various types of approvals.
SME has established a professional working relationship with regulatory agencies based upon technical excellence and a thorough understanding of regulatory processes.
The firm is especially skilled in Clean Water Act §401, §402, and §404 regulatory permitting/compliance, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance, and Endangered Species Act compliance.
Water Quality Certification
Under §401 of the Clean Water Act, all applicants for a permit for an activity that may result in the discharge of a pollutant into waters of the US to obtain a certification that the discharge will comply with applicable effluent limitations and water quality standards. Applications for water quality certifications are reviewed by states, Tribes, and/or the EPA. SME staff is knowledgeable and experienced in when 401 Water Quality Certification will need to be obtained and can assist clients in procuring this certification.
Water Quality Management
SME is experienced in designing Best Management Practices (BMP’s) for stormwater management, water quality assessments and impact modeling, processing of National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits, obtaining Clean Water Act §401 permits, and designing and implementing water quality monitoring programs.
Water Quality Sampling and Assessments
Water quality sampling and assessments are regulated under Colorado Department Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) for the State of Colorado and by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on federal and tribal lands. SME has extensive knowledge of current regulations and frequently works with the EPA, CDPHE, Office of the State Engineer, Tribal nations, US Army Corps of Engineers, and Colorado Department of Transportation.
SME’s water quality sampling design and monitoring services can be performed for NPDES, Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) permits or other state and federal programs. SME has experience with hydrologic and water quality programs using the latest equipment, methods, and mapping to provide state of the art services to meet the diverse needs of our clients.
Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plans
EPA Rule 40 CFR Part 112 and are designed to prevent oil spills from contaminating waters of the US. SME is prepared to assist in the planning and preparation of these plans for client implementation in accordance with current EPA regulations.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans and Best Management Practices
Stormwater plans are required as part of a permit for municipal, industrial and construction site stormwater runoff. These permits are regulated under the NPDES authorized under the Clean Water Act and implemented by the EPA. Thus, the State of Colorado and the EPA have the authority to issue and enforce NPDES permits. Stormwater management plans under EPA jurisdiction are labeled Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP). At the State of Colorado level, plans are regulated by the CDPHE and are entitled Stormwater Management Plans (SWMP). In the State of New Mexico, NPDES permits are issued by the EPA. BMPs are utilized to minimize erosion and sedimentation from these sites in concurrence with the SWPPP/SWMP plans.
SME staff will work with clients to design BMPs for stormwater management, conduct water quality assessments and impact modeling, prepare applications for NPDES permit, and design/implement water quality monitoring programs, as applicable. SME staff has experience in preparing these plans specific to a client’s needs in accordance with current regulations. Additionally, SME has prepared training guidelines to help educate clients and their subcontractors about SWPPP/SWMP to ensure proper implementation of these practices.