Field GIS Data Collection
SME GIS staff is experienced in workflows to achieve highly accurate field GIS data. Equipped with Trimble Geo XH Explorer 2008 handheld GNSS units with H-Star Technology and TerraSync field GIS data collection software, SME accurately and efficiently collects data while in the field. GIS data is post processed using Trimble GPS Pathfinder Office to ensure at least submeter horizontal accuracy. In difficult environments such as below canopy or in canyons, SME utilizes the Trimble Hurricane external antenna, making sub-foot horizontal and vertical accuracy possible. This equipment is for mapping grade products and provides a cost effective and efficient method for data collection when survey grade accuracy is not required.
Spatial Analysis and GIS

- Wetlands delineations
- Resource analysis such as oil and gas, floodplain, noise, land use, wildlife, soils, paleontology, geology, cultural, and recreation
- Threatened and endangered species habitat modeling
- Geospatial data management, geodatabase design, GIS workflows
- Remote sensing and image analysis
- Geologic and geohazards mapping
- Subsurface modeling of soil, geology, and groundwater
- Development of training programs for field data collection with Trimble equipment
- Sampling analysis plans for environmental sampling and assessment
- Esri ArcGIS expertise
- CAD integration for seamless project workflow
- Mapbooks and large-format maps
- Scripting and modeling
- Geologic cross sections and profile elevations
- Photo reports for geotagged photos
- Wetland delineation maps and US Army Corps permitting figures
- Reclamation monitoring
- SWPPP and SWMP site plans
Please contact us to discuss how we can help you with your mapping and GIS projects!